"It is a privilege to work with an exceptionally talented and passionate team to develop the next generation of transformative immunotherapies."

Shrikanta “Shri” Chattopadhyay, M.D., M.M.Sc., is our Senior Vice President, Head of Translational Medicine. Dr. Chattopadhyay has over 15 years of experience in drug discovery and drug development in academic and industry settings.
Prior to joining TScan, Shri was a board-certified hematologist-oncologist at Massachusetts General Hospital, physician-scientist at the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard and a clinical consultant for venture capital and biotechnology companies. In addition to clinical practice, he oversaw a broad spectrum of research efforts including preclinical drug discovery, first-in-human and later phase clinical trials. Shri began consulting for TScan in 2019 and was inspired to join full time in January 2021. He obtained his M.D. at the All India Institute of Medical Sciences and his Master of Medical Sciences in clinical investigation at Harvard Medical School. Shri completed his residency training in internal medicine at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine and his clinical fellowship in hematology/oncology at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute.
When not at TScan, Shri enjoys coaching academic scientists around career development and grant-writing challenges.